


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Doctors recommend that older people exercise regularly. However, many older people do not exercise enough.

What could be the reason for this? What can be done to encourage them to do physical activities?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.








主体第3-4段:提出建议: 提供专门为老年人设计的活动机会,增加家人和朋友的参与。



Regular exercise is highly recommended for older individuals by medical professionals, yet many fail to engage in sufficient physical activity. This can be attributed to a range of physical and psychological factors, and to encourage older individuals, their unique needs should be addressed.

Evidently, physical limitations and health conditions associated with aging can discourage physical activity. Joint pain, reduced mobility, and chronic diseases may hinder older people’s ability to exercise. Additionally, fear of injury or exacerbating existing health problems can further discourage them. Consequently, they may opt for a sedentary lifestyle as a means of avoiding discomfort or exacerbating their health conditions.

Psychological factors also play a role in the insufficient exercise among older individuals. Many may lack motivation to engage in physical activity due to a diminished sense of purpose or reduced energy levels. Furthermore, low self-confidence and fear of social judgment can discourage them from participating in exercise programs or visiting fitness facilities.

To encourage physical activity among older individuals, various strategies can be employed. Apart from raising awareness about the importance of exercise for seniors, tailored exercise programs designed specifically for older individuals can address their unique needs and limitations. Incorporating a variety of activities, such as low-impact exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises, can accommodate different fitness levels. Offering these programs in easily accessible community centers or senior-friendly facilities can encourage participation.

Creating a supportive and inclusive environment is also essential. Organizing group exercise classes and encouraging social interaction can enhance motivation and combat feelings of isolation. Involving family members or friends in exercise routines can provide emotional support and strengthen commitment to an active lifestyle.

In conclusion, various factors contribute to the inadequate exercise levels among older people, including physical limitations and psychological barriers. However, by raising awareness, offering customized exercise programs and fostering a supportive environment, it is possible to empower them to overcome obstacles and adopt a more active lifestyle.

(318 words)


medical professionals 医学专家

engage in 参与

be attributed to 归因于…

unique needs 独特的需求

physical limitations 身体限制

mobility n. 活动性,活动能力

chronic disease 慢性病

hinder their ability to 阻碍…的能力

exacerbate v. 加剧,恶化

sedentary lifestyle 久坐的生活方式

diminished sense of purpose 缺失的目标感

fear of social judgment 对社会评价的恐惧

tailored exercise programs 适合的运动项目

easily accessible 触手可及的,便捷的

supportive and inclusive environment 支持和包容的环境

emotional support 情感支持

empower v. 鼓励

overcome obstacles 克服障碍

a more active lifestyle 一个更积极的生活方式
